Accessory Dwelling Units            ADU    ADU  GRANT PROGRAM


The ADU Grant provides up to $40,000 to reimburse pre-development and non-reoccurring closing costs associated with the construction of the ADU. Prevelopment costs include site prep, architectural designs, permits, soil tests, impact fees, property survey, and energy reports.


 In the last 10 years California has been facing a housing shortage with less land to build and our population increasing exponetially the state in order to facilitate the shortage of housing enacted AB 2299and SB 1069 the new laws that allow Granny flats or guest quarters to be built on your property legally to be rented out . The state has loosened the restrictions regarding parking , lot coverage , setbacks, conversions and many more . The caviat is the State has allowed the Cities to restrict the law by implementing tougher regulations and some Cities have taken advantage of this . But even with the Cities enacting their own regulations it is still much easier to build these units now. With Rental rates at an all time high these units can rent from $1200 to as high as $2,000 a month . Pro Builders Express Inc will be able to design and estimate this ADU for you at your first meeting  Pro Builders will design your ADU and check for the requirements and regulation for you City  .


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